Sunday, August 16, 2009
Eisley's four months old and we are one busy, little family.
Since my last post Daniel got all of his camera gear. He bought before we got married and he decided to sell it to buy his gear.
His website will be . He's spending all of his extra time focusing on this and he is GREAT at it. The great thing is he's already good and he can only get better.
My real estate has really picked up over the past month.
I cannot leave her in a room by herself or she ends up in the corner or under something. I can just see it in her eyes that she wants to be walking around and getting into everything. We found out during this past month that she's allergic to cows protein so I have cut out all dairy in my diet and she seems much better. She loves other people as long as they aren't holding her, but if they hold her she turns that smile upside down!!! She's started babbling a lot more the past few days.
She stopped sleeping through the night this month. I don't know if she's hungry or she's just formed a bad habit. I haven't decided if I am going to let her cry it out or not. I think I am.
I better go. I'll post some pictures soon!!!!