Sunday, July 12, 2009

3 Months Old

Eisley is growing everyday (don't all babies??). I can't wait until she's older and we can converse, but for now I'll keep her just the way she is. That little smile just melts my heart. My little baby is growing up. She seems to be pretty spirited, by that I mean very active and happy one minute and fussy within seconds.

*She loves bath-time so we give her one every night simply because she enjoys it so much.
*At ten weeks she started sucking her thumb and rolling over.
*She loves for us to stand her up and just bounce herself around.
*She sleeps anywhere from 6-10 hours at night as of now. I haven't figured out what we do different on the days she is not sleeping as long, but she's only up for about 5 minutes when I get up with her so it's not too bad. She seems to not want to go to bed before 9-hopefully we can break that little habit.
*She went swimming (or sitting in the water) for the first time this month
*She smiles at random people all the time not just mom and dad, but more often with us

She weighed 11 pounds and 3 ounces at her 2 month appointment and today she weighed around 12 pounds 8 ounces (I think--that could be off it was on a regular scale). So somewhere over 12 pounds.

Daniel is trying to convince me that he needs a camera. When he wants something he wants the best of it. He wants a Canon 5D with some lenses totaling around $5000. Seriously, this can't just be for a hobby.

So he's going to start taking some pictures and see if it's something he'll stick with, otherwise he can just stick with videography.

Here's my favorite picture from Eisley's shoot with Daniel:

Bye for now!


  1. Unknown said...
    hey hayley - i didn't know that you had been updating the blog. good posts...maybe i can get back into it!
    Leah said...
    Yes, that photo was one of my favorites, too! GORGEOUS!!!

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