Monday, October 12, 2009


I've been thinking a lot about discipline and obedience. After all Proverbs says "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it."

Granted-my little one is only 6 months old, but I already here her babbling "nuh-uh" over and over again when she doesn't like something. This happens multiple times a day. In the back of my mind I am thinking "I am going to have to deal with this sooner than later." But HOW?

Do I want her to obey out of my fear of being humiliated? At this point, honestly, YES. I want her future obedience for the wrong reasons. (I say future, because right now she's so little that there are moments of not letting her get her way, but she doens't understand.) So that my life will be comfortable, but I know that REAL obedience won't come out mommy saying, "because I said so."

We are now responsible to train her little heart to love and be obedient to the Lord. Which in return is being obedient to us.

I am excited for the lessons to come for me and Eisley. I sure know I am going to learn a lot over the next 20 something years.


  1. megs said...
    wow hayley, they start so young! but you're an amazing mom, excited for this next season for you.
    The Sisson's Jubilee said...
    You really are such a great mom!! I can't wait to see Eisley grow to love the Lord!!

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