Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Eisley Kate is 6 months old. Halfway to a year!
She's eating rice cereal, oatmeal, sweet potatoes, squash, pears, applesauce, peas, and green beans. I think her favorite is sweet potatoes and applesauce. She doesn't really like the cereals, but we give her a little bit since they say they need iron. I don't really know if they do!
She's NOT sleeping through the night, but we talked to the doctor about it and she gave me a few ideas to work on it without going cold turkey
Height: 27 inches- 90th percentile
Weight: 16 pounds, 9 ounces- 75th percentile
Her head is in the 42nd percentile..haha.
She's almost sitting up, but would rather get down and into everything. We've seen her get on all fours a couple of times so we think crawling is around the corner. She's started getting into baskets, bags, etc.
She loves to suck her thumb and takes a morning nap between 9-11 for about an hour and an afternoon nap at around 2:30 or 3:00 for 2-3 hours. I am able to get a lot of work done during those naps!!!
She is getting better about her separation anxiety, but gets upset when no one is paying attention to her--we're working on it.
What a learning process parenting is.