Monday, November 9, 2009
Well just short of 7 months Eisley popped up 2 teeth and began to crawl. It's not anything fast or perfect which I am OK with!!
We've added peaches, mango, chicken, and beef to her repertoire of foods. I think she just loves food. I started giving her the baby foods that have meat in them and since then she has been sleeping through the night! Coincidence? I think not.
I know everyone said she wasn't hungry, but this really makes me think she was. She immediately went from waking up 2-4 times a night to NONE!!! Thank the Lord. This all came at the perfect time (more on that later).
She was going through a stage of screaming at a high shrill when she didn't get her way..that has gone away for now with a few swats of the leg and firm no's from mom and dad. One morning she did at Daniel and he said NO, she looked at him with her tongue out and went PTTTHWWW!!! (I have no idea how else to make that noise).
Everywhere we go everyone tells us that Eisley is very attentive and observant. It's so funny that stranger's notice these things. It's probably because she stares them down.